
SundaeSwap is a decentralised, autonomous protocol for trading Cardano projects and tokens, on the Cardano blockchain.


SundaeSwap is a decentralised, autonomous protocol for trading Cardano projects and tokens, on the Cardano blockchain. The application is (at the time of writing) in public beta on the Cardano mainnet. As a result, the functionality is a little bit behind other DEXs such SpookySwap (Fantom network) and Trader Joe (Avalanche). SundaeSwap, however, does still allow users to swap tokens, provide liquidity, and farm to earn yield. Like all other DEX’s you will need to make sure you have some Cardano in a wallet to pay for gas fees. Let’s jump in and learn how to use SundaeSwap!

SundaeSwap is a robust platform, more than just a plain vanilla DEX. In ice cream terms, think of SundaeSwap as well… The sundae of ice cream. This is no boring vanilla cone or lame single scoop of strawberry in a cup. Instead, this sundae is complete with all the flavours, sauces, sprinkles, cherries, whip cream and everything an ice cream enthusiast could want.

The SundaeSwap team has even made it clear that they have some extra tricks up their sleeve and holding some cards close to the chest, which makes it sound like some exciting announcements are yet to be made. Enough with the ice cream metaphors; let's get into the current features of the DEX.


In case it wasn't already obvious, swapping assets is the heart and soul of a DEX. Users can use SundaeSwap to swap assets within the Cardano ecosystem.

Swapping is fairly straightforward and familiar to anyone who has used a DEX. Users simply choose the token they wish to swap and receive, enter the amount and hit swap. If the desired token is not found, users can search for a token using its name, symbol, or pasting its policy ID. Note that all swap fees are paid in Cardano's ADA token, so be sure to have some extra on hand.

One thing I like about SundaeSwap is the advanced slippage options that users can select and the dropdown menu that shows additional information such as estimated tokens received and minimum tokens received in the event of slippage so users can avoid nasty surprises. This helps combat issues that may arise with market congestion, delayed orders and slippage:

As with any good DeFi protocol, there is nothing sweeter than high APYs and passive income. The earning selection for SundaeSwap comes in a few different flavours such as.

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